Resource Library
Number of search results: 284
How EASA’s ERT Program Streamlined Our Apprenticeship Training
What initially seemed like a supplementary resource has proven to be a game-changer for HECO's training efforts. The EASA ERT Certificate Program not only saved us considerable time and resources, but it also ensured that we could continue providing high-quality training to our apprentices
Units, Values and Basic Math Conversions
This presentation explores the distinction between a controlled environment and a cleanroom, the requirements for both, and provides details to help you determine if you want to add a controlled environment or a cleanroom to your facility.
La Historia y Evolución de la AR100
Durante los 90, las normas gubernamentales para la eficiencia de los motores eléctricos fabricados generaron preocupaciones de que pudieran surgir regulaciones o normas para la reparación de motores eléctricos. Como representante de la industria de reparación de motores eléctricos, EASA respondió buscando el reconocimiento de su Práctica Recomendada para la Reparación como Norma Nacional Americana. Ser proactivo en la obtención de dicho reconocimiento significaría que, en nombre de la industria de la reparación, EASA crearía la norma de las mejores prácticas de reparación para la industria.
Mejorarando la eficiencia en un centro de servicio de motores eléctricos: Un enfoque poco convencional
El Poder de los Datos: Usando un Contador de Pasos para Optimizar la Disposición
¿Alguna vez ha pensado en utilizar un podómetro para sus empleados en un entorno de prueba? Esta idea puede proporcionar datos valiosos que le ayudarán a comprender cuánto movimiento deben realizar sus empleados diariamente debido a la disposición actual del centro de servicio. Al analizar estos datos, usted puede identificar ineficiencias en la disposición actual que pueden no ser inmediatamente obvias.
Enhancing Efficiency in an Electric Motor Workshop: An Unconventional Approach
The Power of Data: Using Step Counters to Optimize Layout
Have you ever thought about using a step counter on your employees in a test setting? This idea can provide valuable data to help you understand how much movement your workers must perform daily due to the current workshop layout. By analyzing this data, you can identify inefficiencies in the layout that may not be immediately obvious.
Miembros de EASA: Recicladores silenciosos
Hay una industria que ha estado reciclando silenciosamente desde antes del comienzo del siglo pasado. Así es: Más de 100 años de reciclaje. ¿De qué industria se trata? Es nuestra industria: La reparación de máquinas eléctricas.
EASA Members: The Quiet Recyclers
There is one industry that has been quietly recycling since before the start of the previous century. That’s right – over 100 years of recycling. What industry is that? It’s our industry – electrical equipment repair.
The Superpower of the EASA International Community
The Electrical Apparatus Service Association (EASA) stands as the ultimate team, empowering its members with extraordinary abilities. Through shared best practices, high standards and mutual support, EASA’s international community transforms its members into industry superheroes, ready to tackle any challenge.
Electromechanical Repair Technician (ERT) Certificate Program Introduction
This presentation provides a high-level overview of the program and is intended for anyone wanting to learn more about the ERT program.
Getting The Most From Your Electric Motors
This 40-page booklet provides great advice for obtaining the longest, most efficient and cost-effective operation from general and definite purpose electric motors.
This booklet covers topics such as:
- Installation, startup and baseline information
- Operational monitoring and maintenance
- Motor and baseline installation data
- How to read a motor nameplate
- Motor storage recommendations
ANSI/EASA AR100-2020
Recommended Practice for the Repair of Rotating Electrical Apparatus
This is a must-have guide to the repair of rotating electrical machines. Its purpose is to establish recommended practices in each step of the rotating electrical apparatus rewinding and rebuilding processes.